There are so many different uses for honey, you’d be amazed! September is National Honey Month, so this is a good time to check out The National Honey Board’s website.

I thought I’d list some of my favorite ways to use honey.

Face wash – You can make all sorts of face washes with honey. To wash your face with honey, just wet your face. Pour a small dab of honey onto your hand and smear all over your face. You can rinse right away with warm water or wait a couple of minutes. Either way, your face will be very smooth and soft. Put on a light moisturizer, like pure shea butter, and you’ll never go back to your old way of cleaning your face again!

Face mask – There are a lot of different face masks you can make with honey. One is a handful of uncooked oats with a tsp of honey and a tsp of milk. Mix the honey and milk until the honey is dissolved, then add the oats. Smear on your face and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse off and follow with a light moisturizer.
Another mask is just honey and milk. One teaspoon of each, mixed together. Smear on your face and leave for around 10 minutes. Rinse and moisturize.

One warning. Honey will remove the toxins from your skin, which is a good thing. But, sometimes you may break out a bit for the first couple days. Nothing too bad, but maybe a pimple or two. I didn’t, but I have heard that some people do.

Another thing you can do is if you do get an unexpected pimple is put a dab of honey on the pimple and cover with a bandaid. Do this right before you go to bed and you’ll wake up and the pimple will be gone or greatly reduced!

You can sweeten your coffee with a bit of honey, just like you would tea. It’s a great alternative to sugar and gives it a really good flavor. My favorite is a honey latte. I make a plain latte in my espresso maker, then add in a tablespoon of honey, instead of a flavored syrup. It’s my favorite way to have a latte!

First Aid
Honey has natural anti-bacterial properties, so it makes a great ointment for cuts and scrapes. It is also very good to put on a burn. Some women have been known to put it on c-section’s and have great results with quick healing of the incision area. Remember, honey is sticky, so you’re going to want to put some sort of bandage over the honey, so it doesn’t get everything else sticky, too!

If you have a sore throat, take a tsp of honey every couple of hours. Not only does it sooth your sore throat, but the anti-bacterial properties will help it heal.

Did you know that if you have seasonal allergies, honey can help? You have to get some local honey. Honey from another part of the country or world isn’t going to help with this one. Take a teaspoon of honey every day and it will help reduce your allergy symptoms!

I’ll update this post when I think of more great uses for honey. I know there are tons! Please let me know what you think of this and if you have any other great ways to use honey.